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Diversity /Affirmative? Action

CONVENER(S): Dr. Ruth Corey Selman

PARTICIPANTS: Juliet King, Lucy Golden, Marie Scott, Carmine Collier, Penelope Bliss, Jerry Selman


Lack of Diversity at conferences is probably based on economics. Most schools are very diverse, but this is not reflected by attendance. SUGGESTUIN: Every school can make it point to support people of color/minority to get out to conferences, Perhaps schools could offer to pay registration, administration, can be more positive about conferences; i,e,, instead of just posting notices, actively promote attendance, and encourage more those of minority to go together, or be invited to join a group---not necessarily composed of minorities.

Don't assume that minorities will feel welcome even if they are. Give a little extra in terms of invitations, support, etc.

SUMMARY OF ORDER OF IMPORTANCE: 1. Social---Does person feel comfortable? 2. Economic---Can attendee afford it?


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Last edited February 15, 2003 4:53 pm USA Pacific Time (diff)