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[V2 conference]
The virtual world of networks and connections is ever inclusive and expanding. At our fingertips are infinite possibilities for connecting and collaborating with individuals around the globe. Involvement in online forums and blogging can expand networks to include many remarkable people, opening up new avenues in life. One common tendency that i notice with discussion forums, however, is the collection of valuable insight that is embedded in rich discussions and often decays as the discussions fade from attention. I offer this space as a place to extract gems of wisdom from discussions and organize them into a direct and concise form. Or, a space to collectively work with others to fine tune projects, ideas, dreams, visions, etc.

Basically, this is a workspace for collecting ideas and connecting with other virtual communities

have fun,

from Integral Naked Discussions

The virtual world of networks and connections is ever inclusive and expanding. At our fingertips are infinite possibilities for connecting and collaborating with individuals around the globe. Involvement in online forums and blogging can expand networks to include many remarkable people, opening up new avenues in life. One common tendency that i notice with discussion forums, however, is the collection of valuable insight that is embedded in rich discussions and often decays as the discussions fade from attention. I offer this space as a place to extract gems of wisdom from discussions and organize them into a direct and concise form. Or, a space to collectively work with others to fine tune projects, ideas, dreams, visions, etc.

Basically, this is a workspace for collecting ideas and connecting with other virtual communities

have fun, AshleyCooper

from Integral Naked Discussions

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Last edited November 21, 2004 12:36 pm by MichaelHerman (diff)
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